日前,國際知名無線電通訊雜志《Radio Resource》專訪了TCCA中國分會主席鄭祖輝師長教師,并以“TCCA中國分會是TETRA和關鍵通訊傳道授業者”為題報告了鄭老及TCCA中國分會多年以來關于推動關鍵通訊在中國的發展所作出的用功和孝順。現編譯此文,以為更多加入我們行列的同仁申謝和鼓勁。
TCCA-CS的治理團隊經常訪問中國的最終用戶和制造商,履行TETRA LTE未來關鍵通訊。這一線路獲得廣泛的贊同。今年下半年,將舉辦有TETRA和公網LTE之間語音互通的試驗。
2011年 通訊學分會又將《集群通訊專家委員會》和《數字對講機通訊專家委員會》吞并為《專用移動通訊專家委員會》,并對兩個委員會的專家舉辦吞并、整理,最后確定為180位專家(厥后發展最多時達220位)。
2013年TCCA CEO Phil. Kidner來華時與《專用移動通訊專家委員會》的幾位指點訪問碰面時,提議中國豎立TCCA中國分會。
2014年3月在廣州舉辦的第30屆專用移動通訊應用與發展論壇上,TCCA CEO Phil.Kidner專程來華,把他簽名贊同的TCCA中國分會的證書授予專用移動通訊專家委員會主任鄭祖輝。至此,TCCA中國分會(TCCA-CS)正式豎立。
TCCA中國分會及其前身在這十余年中已組織了33屆專用移動通訊應用與發展論壇活動和3屆數字對講機通訊應用與發展論壇活動,并列入了TCCA(其前身為TETRA MoU)組織的兩次活動:一次是在2008年5月26日在香港的CCW上,鄭祖輝代表中國專用移動通訊專家委員會在大會上作了題為“TETRA在中國的發展”的主題演講;另一次是在2010年5月在新加坡的CCW上,鄭祖輝代表中國專用移動通訊專家委員會接受了TETRA協會的每一年一次宣布的卓著孝順獎。
《Radio Resource》原文
Evangelist of Critical Communication
It was at later period of 20th Century that Digital Trunking Communication concept and technology had made its way into China. Shortly thereafter, Chinese government formulated and issued the China standard of Digital Trunking Communication at the end of December 2000. Under the guidance of the Science and Technology Bureau and Radio Administration Bureau subordinated to the then Ministry of Information Industry, the Communication Society of Chinese Institute of Electronics (CIE) established the “Forum of Trunking Communication Application and Development” in January 2000. Mr. Lai Guozhu, head of Communication Society serves as head of the Forum, while one deputy chief of Science and Technology Bureau and one deputy chief of Radio Administration Bureau respectively act as its deputy head.
Some activities were arranged after set-up of the Forum. Communication Society of CIE further built up the “Trunking Communication Specialists Committee” in 2004. There were only 20 specialists at beginning, number of specialists reached to almost 100 in 2005 and to 160 before long.
The activities purpose of the “Trunking Communication Specialist Committee” mainly focus on the development of technology and market of professional mobile communication.
At the end of 2007, the Communication Society approved the establishment of “Digital Walkie Talkie Communication Specialist Committee” with approximately 80 specialists in place soon after. The Society organized the first Digital Walkie Talkie Forum in early 2008 and respectively held one in 2009 and 2010. In particular, various heads of the “Digital Walkie Talkie Communication Specialist Committee” involved in the formulation of walkie talkie Analogue-Digital standards (namely, File No.666) led by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.
In 2011, the “Trunking Communication Specialist Committee” and the “Digital Walkie Talkie Communication Specialist Committee” was merged by the Communication Society to form the “Professional Mobile Communication Specialists Committee”. Meanwhile, specialists of the two committees were merged accordingly to be 180 at last (then grow up to 220).
Mr. Phil. Kidner, CEO of TCCA proposed that China should set up TCCA China Society when he came to China in 2013, meeting with a number of heads of the “Professional Mobile Communication Committee”.
Mr. Phil Kidner made a special trip to China and granted to Mr. Zheng Zhuhui, head of the “Professional Digital Mobile Communication Committee”, the certificate of TCCA China Society with his signature and approval at the 30th Forum of Professional Mobile Communication Application and Development held in Guangzhou in March 2014. Since then, TCCA China Society (TCCA-CS) has formerly established.
Up to date, it has been three years since the founding of TCCA-CS. TCCA-CS has approximately 140 specialists who spread over various vertical industries, including governments, universities, research institutions, public affairs, police, armed police and military, aviation airports, transit metros, harbors, mines as well as domestic and international professional communication equipment manufacturers. TCCA-CS (and its predecessor) has organized 33 forums of the Professional Mobile Communication Application and Development and 3 forums of the Digital Walkie Talkie Communication Application and Development. Additionally, it participated activities arranged by TCCA (former TETRA MoU) twice. One was that at the CCW held in Hong Kong on 26th May, 2008, Mr. Zheng Zhuhui made theme speech titled “The Development of TETRA in China” on behalf of China Professional Mobile Communication Specialist Committee; anther one was that at the CCW held in Singapore in May 2010, he received the outstanding contribution award granted by TETRA Association who grants such award annually.
Each of the aforementioned 36 forums has a theme, covering TETRA and other professional communication (and digital walkie talkie communication as well). There are not only themes fully addressing TETRA and its development (TEDS as well), but also specific ones touching a vertical induatry communications (such as light rail & metros, aviation airports, TETRA after sales and maintenance), discussing city emergency communication and value added services of the professional communication. Among them, one week of TETRA road show in Hangzhou, Guangzhou and Chengdu beginning from 19th August, 2010 has been largely influential and was highly appraised. The most outstanding forum is the 33th forum of “International Conference of Convergence of Boardband and Narrow Band Professional Mobile Communication” held in Beijing on 26th October, 2016. Of all forums ever held, the 33th forum has the highest level of success, ranging from forum theme, attendee number (including ranking of participants) to excellence of speech, thanks to the large scale of research and preparations as well as great amount of communication with users and management of vendors beforehand. All in all, each forum has achieved its expectation.
Attendees of forums have two features: 85% of them hold top positions in their organization or company, and over 60% of them are from the end user organization.
TCCA-CS is progressing continuously. It has a cooperative and untied management, which supports and coordinates each other. We believe that, having guidance and support of TCCA as usual, TCCA-CS will make further contributions to the technology and market development of Chinese critical communication.
Author Bio:
Prof. Zheng Zuhui, Chairman of TCCA-CS. He has published 10 books about 300 papers on technical seminars and publications. He was awarded multiple government awards and receives a special government subsidy of the State Councl.